Riding The Globe On A Vintage Norton

By Rory Anson

Read the full story here: https://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/riding-globe-on-vintage-norton

John Fitzwater’s fuzzy plan to take a 43-year-old Norton Commando around the world

John Fitzwater’s 1974 Norton 850 Commando
Fitzwater long dreamed of circling the planet on the rebuilt Norton, now more than 30 years later, he’s doing it.

“When I was 15, I picked up a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance at the local library in Auckland. Halfway into the first chapter I thought, ‘This sucks! It isn’t even about motorcycles.’ Forty years later I picked it back up and went, ‘Oh my god, where has this book been all my life?’ On the shelf, unread, was the answer.”

John Fitzwater
This globe-trotting Commando started its new life with John Fitzwater in a way less glamorous fashion in Auckland, New Zealand.

“One of the big challenges was to get the Norton into a state of where it’s rock solid, as reliable as can be expected. I’d like to be able to count on it basically going 20,000 miles without any major attention.”

John Fitzwater
The vintage machine arrives in America
Fitzwater taking in the splendor of the Grand Canyon
The road is long, but Fitzwater intends to take it to
the ends of the earth, with a upcoming forays into Asia
and India.

Photos: Courtesy of John Fitzwater

For more on John Fitzwater please visit: https://gotournz.com

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